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Journal of Chromatography B
Copyright © 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

Volume 790, Issues 1-2, Pages 1-377 (25 June 2003)
Preparative Chromatography of Proteins

Edited by E. Heftmann
       Selected Display Checked Docs E-mail Articles Export Citations View:
Continuous annular chromatography REVIEW ARTICLE
Pages 1-15
Frank Hilbrig and Ruth Freitag
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Large-scale ion-exchange column chromatography of proteins: Comparison of different formats REVIEW ARTICLE
Pages 17-33
Peter R. Levison
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Comparison of protein A affinity sorbents ARTICLE
Pages 35-51
Rainer Hahn, Robert Schlegel and Alois Jungbauer
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Isolation of antigens and antibodies by affinity chromatography REVIEW ARTICLE
Pages 53-66
Vladimir I. Muronetz and Timo Korpela
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Design and selection of ligands for affinity chromatography REVIEW ARTICLE
Pages 67-78
N. E. Labrou
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Protein purification by affinity precipitation REVIEW ARTICLE
Pages 79-90
Frank Hilbrig and Ruth Freitag
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Role of mass spectrometry in the purification of peptides and proteins ARTICLE
Pages 91-97
Cecilia B. Mazza, Jie Y. Cavanaugh, Uwe D. Neue and Dorothy J. Phillips
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Hydrophobic interaction chromatography of proteins: II. Binding capacity, recovery and mass transfer properties ARTICLE
Pages 99-114
Rainer Hahn, Karin Deinhofer, Christine Machold and Alois Jungbauer
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Direct observation of intraparticle equilibration and the rate-limiting step in adsorption of proteins in chromatographic adsorbents with confocal laser scanning microscopy ARTICLE
Pages 115-129
Volker Kasche, Michael de Boer, Cesar Lazo and Moustafa Gad
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Protein binding to polymer brush, based on ion-exchange, hydrophobic, and affinity interactions REVIEW ARTICLE
Pages 131-142
Tomomi Kawai, Kyoichi Saito and William Lee
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Characterization and optimization of a chromatographic process based on ethylenediamine-N,N,N′,N′-tetra(methylphosphonic) acid-modified zirconia particles ARTICLE
Pages 143-152
Sabyasachi Sarkar, Peter W. Carr, Clayton V. McNeff and Anu Subramanian
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Evaluation of chromatographic recycling for imidazole used in the chromatographic purification of His-tag recombinant proteins ARTICLE
Pages 153-159
A. M. Noubhani, W. Dieryck, N. Bakalara, L. Latxague and X. Santarelli
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Whey proteins as a model system for chromatographic separation of proteins ARTICLE
Pages 161-173
Linda Pedersen, Jørgen Mollerup, Ernst Hansen and Alois Jungbauer
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Application of semi-industrial monolithic columns for downstream processing of clotting factor IX ARTICLE
Pages 175-182
K. BranoviImage, A. Buchacher, M. Barut, A. Strancar and Djuro Josic
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Preparation of vitamin K-dependent proteins, such as clotting factors II, VII, IX and X and clotting inhibitor Protein C REVIEW ARTICLE
Pages 183-197
Djuro Josic, Lutz Hoffer and Andrea Buchacher
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Chromatographic purification and properties of a therapeutic human protein C concentrate ARTICLE
Pages 199-207
M. Radosevich, F. -L. Zhou, J. -J. Huart and T. Burnouf
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Purification of human plasma haptoglobin by hemoglobin-affinity column chromatography ARTICLE
Pages 209-216
Chun Yi Liau, Tsai Mu Chang, Ju Pin Pan, Wen Liang Chen and Simon J. T. Mao
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Purification of an oxidation-sensitive enzyme, pI258 arsenate reductase from Staphylococcus aureus ARTICLE
Pages 217-227
Joris Messens, José C. Martins, Ingrid Zegers, Karolien Van Belle, Elke Brosens and Lode Wyns
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Fractionation and purification of the enzymes stored in the latex of Carica papaya REVIEW ARTICLE
Pages 229-238
Mohamed Azarkan, Anouar El Moussaoui, Delphine van Wuytswinkel, Géraldine Dehon and Yvan Looze
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Simple and unique purification by size-exclusion chromatography for an oligomeric enzyme, rat liver cytosolic acetyl-coenzyme A hydrolase ARTICLE
Pages 239-244
Naoya Suematsu, Kazuki Okamoto and Fumihide Isohashi
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Preparative procedures and purity assessment of collagen proteins REVIEW ARTICLE
Pages 245-275
Z. Deyl, I. MikImageík and A. Eckhardt
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Simple and rapid chromatographic purification of type V collagen from a pepsin digest of porcine intestinal connective tissue, an unmanageable starting material for conventional column chromatography ARTICLE
Pages 277-283
Kenji Sato, Tamae Tanahashi-Shiina, Feng Jun, Atsuko Watanabe-Kawamura, Masami Ichinomiya, Yutaka Minegishi, Yasuyuki Tsukamasa, Yasushi Nakamura, Makoto Kawabata and Kozo Ohtsuki
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Synthesis and chromatographic purification of recombinant human pituitary hormones REVIEW ARTICLE
Pages 285-316
Maria Teresa C. P. Ribela, Peter W. Gout and Paolo Bartolini
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Preparative purification of B-phycoerythrin from the microalga Porphyridium cruentum by expanded-bed adsorption chromatography ARTICLE
Pages 317-325
Ruperto Bermejo, F. Gabriel Acién, Mª. José Ibáñez, José M. Fernández, Emilio Molina and José M. Alvarez-Pez
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Endostatin capture from Pichia pastoris culture in a fluidized bed: From on-chip process optimization to application ARTICLE
Pages 327-336
Joseph Shiloach, Patrick Santambien, Loc Trinh, Anthony Schapman and Egisto Boschetti
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High-level expression of the mycobacterial porin MspA in Escherichia coli and purification of the recombinant protein ARTICLE
Pages 337-348
Christian Heinz, Stefanie Karosi and Michael Niederweis
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Purification of a full-length recombinant glucocorticoid receptor ARTICLE
Pages 349-353
Kazuki Okamoto, Naoya Suematsu and Fumihide Isohashi
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Enrichment of serum amyloid proteins by hydrophobic interaction chromatography combined with two-dimensional electrophoresis with immobilised pH gradients REVIEW ARTICLE
Pages 355-363
Cathrine Foyn Bruun
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Preparative purification of soybean agglutinin by affinity chromatography and its immobilization for polysaccharide isolation ARTICLE
Pages 365-372
Laura Franco-Fraguas, Alicia Plá, Fernando Ferreira, Hugo Massaldi, Norma Suárez and Francisco Batista-Viera
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Author Index to Vol. 790 MISCELLANEOUS
Pages 373-374

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Compound Index to Vol. 790 MISCELLANEOUS
Pages 375-377

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Page iii

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